The Asian Banker Tuesday, 16 July 2024

TransformHub partners Singlife with Aviva to digitise its identity management platform and streamline customer access

5 min read

Singapore | 1 Dec 2022 - TransformHub, a Singapore-headquartered end-to-end digital solutions provider, today announced a deepening of its relationship with Singlife with Aviva that will see the digitalisation of the financial services company’s Identity Management Platform to streamline access for its 1.5 million customers and network of advisors. 

Singlife with Aviva, which arose from a S$3.2 billion merger between local insurer Singapore Life and Aviva Singapore in 2020 that made it one of the biggest insurance firms in Southeast Asia, needed to merge Aviva’s legacy systems with Singlife’s cloud-based infrastructure. This included combining two different identity management systems into one single cohesive and robust platform for end users.

Singlife with Aviva saw an urgent need to address problems customers had logging in and with authentication. Additionally, the firm also wanted a platform that could scale to accommodate an influx of new users. 

To address Singlife with Aviva’s requirements, TransformHub delivered a cloud-based solution that rationalized the insurer’s different on-premise applications and directories. The solution resolved the issue of multiple systems with multiple front-ends and logins, merging the disparate identity management systems into a single platform that also gave IT staff greater flexibility in managing end-user access to applications across devices. 

Consequently, customer and advisor login and authentication issues were resolved and calls to Singlife with Aviva’s customer service center regarding access issues dropped drastically.

Commenting on the transformation, Nischal Tanna, Founder, and CEO of TransformHub said, “The banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) sector has undergone and is still undergoing tremendous change due to digital transformation. Customers are the lifeblood of firms in this sector, so besides digitalization to become more efficient and competitive, BFSI companies also must use data and technology to improve customer experience. We are delighted to be able to support Singlife with Aviva with our strategic insight, consulting expertise and technological know-how to improve their customer experience capabilities.” 

This solution also marks a deepening relationship between TransformHub and Singlife with Aviva. TransformHub had previously set up a dedicated Centre of Excellence (CoE) to better support Singlife with Aviva’s initiatives around new product development, quality assurance, system monitoring, and business-as-usual (BAU) & production support. 


Re-disseminated by The Asian Banker


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