The Asian Banker Wednesday, 17 July 2024

ICOBox launches revolutionary ICO fixed-price service package

5 min read

ICOBox unveils its ICO Fixed-Price Service Package, which cuts down on wait time, offers clear price tag and makes ICOs accessible for a wider clientele.

For projects seeking to conduct their ICOs through the sale of their product tokens, ICO Fixed-Price Service Package offers a highly convincing proposition – a SaaS solution for conducting ICOs of any size for 25-50 BTC. ICOBox also reserves the right to buy up to 250-500 BTC worth of the project's tokens at a discount, thus potentially bringing it more business.

"As ICOs explode in popularity, access to ICO technology, expert legal and marketing help is increasingly challenging to find," says Nick Evdokimov, ICOBox co-founder.

A standard ICOBox package consists of three modules: a technology solution, a legal solution, and a marketing solution.

The technology solution includes a book-building platform which each ICO will need – ICOBox provides a ready-to-deploy model, which can be set up and customized in under a week. The solution also includes a smart contract (which drives the new token) and a token management system.

The legal solution offers a review and advice on drafting the project's White Paper and landing page by an external legal counsel experienced in conducting ICOs, the contractual documents' drafting support, and the token legal concept review and recommendations.

The marketing solution includes a preset marketing strategy: advertising traffic budget, critical public relations recommendations, and a bounty program setup.

ICOBox fixed-price services may come in handy not just to blockchain-based companies seeking to conduct their ICOs. They will be very useful to a wide range of vendors looking to get access to a new way of selling their products and services. The fact that ICOBox is a product token platform helps suitable projects enter ICO process quicker and at a lesser cost than if they were to take a traditional turn-key service consulting route. ICOBox's focus on product-oriented approach also delivers savings for its customers by taking out unnecessary and redundant consulting work out of the equation. Consequently, ICOBox' process is more efficient: The entire ICO process could be initiated and completed in under two months.

"We believe that with ICOBox' SaaS packages we are opening the ICO realm to a much greater range of customers than ever before," says Evdokimov.

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