This bank outperformed its peers in the Middle East based on customer deposits and net interest income, and in the especially in number of digital transactions. The bank grew its retail customers by 16%, higher than the market average of 4.5%, with 67% of retail customers digitally active on a three-month rolling basis and 79% onboarded digitally. It built three digital ecosystems: Touchpoints, Dream Home Platform and the FlexxPay digital platform.
Its back-end processes reduced turnaround time from days to seven seconds. The front-end user journey was enhanced so that customers can process credit card loans in real-time and access funds in less than 10 seconds, in as high as 95% of all disbursements.
For building digital ecosystems, automating its backend processes, and upgrading its systems, applications and platforms, the Best Retail Bank in the UAE and Middle East is Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB).