Finance Philippines 2024 | Agenda

The Agenda

Finance Philippines 2024 | Agenda

Wednesday, 26 September | Manila, Philippines

Finance Philippines 2024 | Agenda

Wednesday, 26 September | Bangkok, Thailand
13:30 –14:00


14:00 – 15:00

Opening Keynote Session

Welcome notes
Keynote Speeches
Leadership Dialogue
Driving inclusive finance: Strategies for hyper-personalisation, fintech, and tokenisation

The Philippines charts a course towards a dynamic and resilient financial future fueled by innovation. This discussion will explore how FIs can personalise financial services, unlock revenue streams, and empower Filipinos to ride the wave of opportunity via innovative digital channels, strategic fintech collaborations, and innovative tokenisation solutions.

  • Leveraging bespoke financial solutions to meet diverse customer needs with a focus on reaching the unbanked and underbanked.
  • Discovering how startup collaborations and open banking can generate revolutionary solutions.
  • Demonstrating how Philippine innovations are utilising these trends to empower customers, drive financial inclusion, and boost economic growth.
15:00 – 15:30

Sustainable finance and blockchain - A green and inclusive future

Investing in a greener and more equitable future requires innovative solutions. This session delves into the intersection of sustainable finance and blockchain technology, highlighting how these advancements can drive transformative change.

  • Integrating ESG factors into financial operations and investment strategies.
  • Exploring innovative financial products and services that drive sustainable development initiatives.
  • How FIs can leverage blockchain to contribute to positive social and environmental change.
  • Collaborate with stakeholders across the financial ecosystem - from regulators to technology providers - to accelerate the transition to a truly sustainable future.
15:30 – 16:00

Future-proofing finance: Innovating backend strategies for resilience

Discover how financial institutions (FIs) cultivate innovative technologies to automate processes, fuel data-driven decisions, and unlock cloud-powered agility, creating disruptive solutions for a dynamic financial landscape.

  • Harnessing cloud computing and blockchain, alongside AI and automation, to bolster backend security, efficiency, and scalability.
  • Partnering with fintechs to leverage agility and expertise.
  • Utilising generative AI to enhance strategic decision-making and institute proactive risk management measures.
  • Optimising processes to ensure agility and resilience, enabling to adapt quickly to changing market demands.
16:00 – 16:15

Coffee / Tea break

16:15 – 16:45

Streamlining payments in mobile banking: Riding the wave of convenience

The future of payments is mobile. As smartphones become the primary financial interface for individuals and businesses alike, financial institutions must stay ahead by embracing mobile-first payment trends. This session explores how leveraging these trends can provide seamless and secure payment experiences.

  • Designing user-centric mobile app experiences that anticipate and exceed customer expectations.
  • Leveraging open banking to enable secure and convenient third-party payment integrations and innovative financial applications.
  • Embracing innovative biometrics technologies to boost security and convenience.
  • Building long-term customer loyalty through engagement and robust financial wellness support.
16:45 – 17:00

Key Trends and best practices in retail finance and technology

  • Awards programme: process, methodology, and scorecards
  • Latest updates on the key developments in retail finance and technology
  • Key findings from the awards programme

End of conference

*Please note that this is a working agenda and topics and speakers are subject to change.

Agenda & Speaking Opportunities :

Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities:

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