The Asian Banker Tuesday, 16 July 2024

WHO: ‘Long way to go’ before COVID-19 crisis ends

The World Health Organisation yesterday, 22 April, warned that the fight against the coronavirus pandemic is far from over, as many countries are only at the early stages of their respective battles against the virus. The sober warning comes as many countries begin or mull over easing stringent restrictions that have confined millions of people in their homes and near-halted several economies.

“Make no mistake: we have a long way to go. This virus will be us for a long time,” said WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a virtual press conference. “Most countries are still in the early stages of their epidemics and some that were affected early in the pandemic are now starting to see a resurgence in cases,” he added.

Tedros noted that while the numbers in Africa, Central and South America and eastern Europe remain low, the WHO sees worrying upward trends in these regions.

Countries continue to scramble as global cases of COVID-19 have surged beyond 2.6 million, with the death toll exceeding 180,000. Amid all the strain to health care systems worldwide, governments are also doing what they can to prevent a devastating economic fallout.

Some countries have intensified distancing measures to combat the virus. Singapore has extended its confinement order until 1 June, while Finland’s ban on gatherings of more than 500 people will remain active until July. Spain, which has the most number of cases in Europe, expects that the strict lockdown it has will not be lifted until mid-May.

The United States remain fragmented over measures to take to stem the virus, which has infected at least 840,000 people in the country. Some states have moved to reopen select businesses soon, while others have banded together to devise regional measures. Health experts, however, warn that the US may experience an even more dangerous second wave of infections come winter, especially if restrictions are eased.

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