The Asian Banker Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Philippines has most COVID-19 cases in Southeast Asia

As of Tuesday, 14 April, the Philippines has overtaken Malaysia in having the most number of COVID-19 cases in the Southeast Asian region. Per yesterday’s figures from Johns Hopkins University, the Philippine has had a total of 5,223 confirmed cases, 335 of which were fatal while 295 had recovered. About 95% of the cases have been recorded in the major island of Luzon, which has been placed under enhanced community quarantine since 16 March.

The news comes just as the Philippines begins localised mass testing efforts to stem the virus’s spread and flatten the curve. In the previous weeks, criticism had been mounting locally over the lack of transparency with data and the seeming absence of a clear plan to address the pandemic.

Malaysia and Indonesia have the most number of cases next to the Philippines, with 4,987 and 4,837 respectively as of 14 April. Behind these three countries are Singapore with 2,918, Thailand with 2,613, and Vietnam with only 266 cases.

COVID-19 has been most fatal in Indonesia thus far with 459 deaths, while Vietnam has zero fatality. In terms of recoveries, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore lead in numbers. 

Diary of Activities
Finance Vietnam 2024
18 July 2024
Finance Thailand 2024
25 July 2024
Finance Indonesia 2024
12 September 2024
Finance Philippines 2024
26 September 2024