The Asian Banker Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Coronavirus ‘currently eliminated’ in New Zealand

New Zealand has won against the fatal viral disease COVID-19. That’s what Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declared yesterday, 27 April, as the country begins the gradual easing of its lockdown and other restrictions.

“There is no widespread, undetected community transmission in New Zealand. We have won that battle,” said the prime minister. She also noted that the virus is “currently eliminated” in the country.

After five weeks with only essential services operating, New Zealand has moved down from its maximum level four restrictions to level three. This means that some non-essential businesses, takeaway food outlets and schools will be allowed to reopen.

Under level three restrictions, mass gatherings are still prohibited and shopping centres will remain closed. Most children will stay home as well and borders shall remain shut. Level three restrictions will be active for at least two weeks, though it could be extended if necessary.

Most people will still be required to stay home at all times and to avoid social interactions as well. “We are opening up the economy, but we’re not opening up people’s social lives,” said Ardern.

The prime minister also cautioned against complacency and said that New Zealand “must remain vigilant” to keep the disease at bay. “I will not risk the gains we’ve made in the health of New Zealanders. So if we need to remain at Level Three, we will,” Ardern said.

Ardern has garnered praise from health experts for her swift and decisive actions early on to tackle the pandemic as well her clear messaging. New Zealand implemented some of the toughest restrictions at a time when it had only a few dozen confirmed cases. Its borders were closed and all arrivals in the country were required to go through quarantine. The country also mounted extensive contact tracing and testing for suspected cases.

From 26 March onwards, the government shuttered beaches, playgrounds and waterfronts. Schools and offices were also ordered close, as well as bars and restaurants – including delivery and takeaway. Based on models, Ardern said that had New Zealand waited to act, it could have had more than 1,000 cases a day. “Through our cumulative actions, we have avoided the worst,” she said.

As of yesterday, New Zealand has recorded only 1,469 confirmed cases and 19 deaths. Only around 270 cases remain active across the country, as 1,180 patients have already recovered.

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