The International Heads of Retail Annual Dialogue
Now more than ever, banks and financial institutions (FIs) must prioritise their retail financial services in their digital journey. They have driven an increase in digitisation and generated more revenues as consumers’ behaviour changed, regulatory frameworks developed and new players emerged. Incumbents have to continue innovating and investing in key enabling technologies to deliver a more seamless consumer experience. From new technologies and digital trends to sustainability and decentralised finance (DeFi), retail banks and FIs can further transform themselves by embracing these opportunities.
This annual dialogue involves the heads of retail from the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The dialogue will cover a comprehensive range of key issues on leading best practices in the industry:
- Digital-only banks consolidating their position by catering to a mobile-native client base
- Investment in digital currencies and growth of next-gen payment systems
- The shift towards digital wealth with online investing continuing to gain popularity and trust
- Green trend adoption in the retail financial services industry
Hosted by:
Wilson Chia, Advisor, Excellence in Retail Financial Services Advisory Council
Foo Boon Ping, President and Managing Editor, The Asian Banker
With special remarks by:
Emmanuel Daniel, Founder and Chairman, The Asian Banker