Monday, 15 July 2024

The Asian Banker Country-Level Conferences

The Asian Banker invites you to our prestigious annual country-level events across Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. This conference series, held annually in the capital cities of respective countries, serves as a pivotal forum for senior bankers within the host country and the global community. Attendees include representatives from regulators, commercial and digital banks, fintechs, service providers, and technology vendors, all eager to delve into the intricacies of the local banking industry. The platform facilitates an exchange of international best practices, fostering a collaborative environment for shared insights.

Objective: The primary objective is to capture the essence of engaging debates and to disseminate global best practices and benchmarks. The highly interactive format encourages active participation, cultivating dynamic exchanges for learning and idea testing.

Audience: Each program draws approximately 200 delegates, comprising key decision-makers, including but not limited to:

  • Regulators, CEOs, Founders and Board Members
  • CTOs, COOs, CROs, and Heads of Retail
  • usiness-level decision-makers from Retail Banking, Cards & Payments, CRM Data & Analytics, Risk Management, Consumer Credit, Technology & Operations.
  • Heads of tactical divisions focusing on profitability systems, customer service improvement, product innovation, and other initiatives within banks that adopt a holistic view of technology.
  • Heads and senior executives involved at the forefront of developing multi-channel distribution capabilities.
Upcoming conferences

Past country level conferences

Country level conferences 2024

Country level conferences 2023

Country level conferences 2022

Country level conferences 2021

Country level conferences 2020

Country level conferences 2019

Country level conferences 2018

Country level conferences 2017

Country level conferences 2016

Country level conferences 2015

Country level conferences 2014

Country level conferences 2013

Discussion Areas

Join hundreds of delegates and international speakers as we facilitate insightful discussions among industry leaders. Explore global and regional retail banking transformations, including market competition, regulatory dynamics, technology advancements, and financial institutions' strategic responses.

The conferences cover a broad spectrum of crucial topics:

  • Risk Management
  • Retail Banking
  • Technology and Operations
  • Transaction Banking

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