Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Hong Kong Market Profile

5 min read

By TABInsights

Table of contents:

1. Macroeconomic Profile

  • 1.1. GDP
  • 1.2. GDP per capita
  • 1.3. Consumer price index (CPI)
  • 1.4. Government debt
  • 1.5. Current account
  • 1.6. Fiscal balance
  • 1.7. Benchmark interest rate
  • 1.8. Currency exchange rate
  • 1.9. Total population and bankable population
  • 1.10. Population demographics

2. Bank and Digital Profile

  • 2.1. Total retail customer accounts
  • 2.2. Banking assets
  • 2.3. Mobile and smartphone subscription
  • 2.4. Computer penetration
  • 2.5. Internet users
  • 2.6. Mobile banking
  • 2.7. Total branches
  • 2.8. Market share of branches
  • 2.9. Total ATMs
  • 2.10. Market share of ATMs
  • 2.11. Digital banks

3. Industry Background

  • 3.1. Competetive landscape in Retail Financial Services (RFS)
  • 3.2. Competetive landscape for Corporate and Commercial Banking (CCB)
  • 3.3. Recent regulatory developments

4. Industry Retail Payments

  • 4.1. Payment industry structure
  • 4.2. National micro payment platform
  • 4.3. Mobile wallets
  • 4.4. Total EFTPOS terminals
  • 4.5. Market share of EFTPOS terminals
  • 4.6. Debit cards in force
  • 4.7. Market share of debit cards
  • 4.8. Credit cards in force
  • 4.9. Market share of credit cards

5. Industry Retail Revenue

  • 5.1. Total retail revenue
  • 5.2. Market share of retail revenue
  • 5.3. Retail revenue contribution to total revenue 
  • 5.4. Retail return on assets
  • 5.5. Retail fee income to total income

6. Industry Retail Assets and Deposits

  • 6.1. Total retail loans and retail loan structure
  • 6.2. Market share of retail loans
  • 6.3. Total retail deposits
  • 6.4. Market share of retail deposits
  • 6.5. Total retail mortgages
  • 6.6. Market share of retail mortgages
  • 6.7. Total personal loans
  • 6.8. Market share of personal loans
  • 6.9. Total credit card outstanding balances 
  • 6.10. Market share of credit cards outstanding balances

7. SME Finance

  • 7.1. Total SME loans
  • 7.2. Market share of SME loans

8. Wealth Management

  • 8.1. Total wealth management AUM
  • 8.2. Market share of wealth management AUM

9. Financial Intermediation

10.  Individual Bank Profiles

Business profile
Retail financial/operational profile
Retail financial/operational profile
Distributional profile
Key executives
SWOT analysis

  • 10.1. HSBC
  • 10.2. Bank of China (Hong Kong)
  • 10.3. Hang Seng Bank
  • 10.4. Bank of East Asia
  • 10.5. Citibank (Hong Kong)
  • 10.6. Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong)
  • 10.7. Dah Sing Bank

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